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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on October 21st
CNRG is an all volunteer run organization & we need your help!
Donations are rather helpful as well
Who's online
Executive Coach and Facilitator with deep nonprofit experience available to strengthen your organization
• Do you need support to grow your skills as an executive director or manager?
• Do you need a mentor available to you as you create something new in your organization?
• Do you need new tools for connecting with your board, your team, or the people you supervise, or for thinking strategically about your organization or program?
• Do you want to step more clearly into your own values, strengths and gifts as you run your organization or program?
I am a certified, professional co-active coach, with 20+ years experience in the nonprofit world as an executive director, board member, facilitator and organizational development consultant, and five years of coaching experience with individuals. I would like to step into a new role, combining my nonprofit experience and my coaching skills by coaching executive directors and managers inside their organizations. In order to build my resume in this new arena, I am offering three nonprofits the chance to hire me as a coach for their executive director or a program manager for the discounted rate of $200/month.
I am also available as a facilitator for board and staff retreats and other processes, a trainer, and a consultant on board development, strategic planning, hiring, supervision, and other related topics.
You can find more information about me at www.LifeWorkChanges.com. If you are interested, please contact me at 503-788-2333 or [email protected].
Tasha Harmon, Facilitator and Coach, Supporting the creation of healthy, sustainable organizations and lives