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Register NOW: Registration for Nonprofit BootCAMP '09 closes soon.

If you are at all interested in the Institute for Nonprofit Management Nonprofit Leader BOOTCAMP '09. Let us know immediately -- registration must close soon.

BootCamp features experienced presenters, a beautiful setting and an opportunity to network and relax w/ your peers. All at a remarkably low commuter rate of $785. That's a daily cost less than your average training.

At the New Nonprofit Leaders BootCamp you will-- • Cultivate your leadership skills • Explore your strengths • Build tools, techniques and a support

Who can benefit from “New Nonprofit Leaders BootCamp”? Is it you?

While nonprofit organizations run a gamut in size and shape, New Nonprofit Leaders can face similar experiences and challenges.

INPM - The Institute for Nonprofit Management/PSU sponsors BootCamp so your leadership skills will be strong, even in these times of economic stress and strain. Good leadership is needed now more than ever.

So come join us in beautiful Eagle Creek Oregon at the Collins Retreat Center. Residential rates are available as well. Take advantage of an opportunity to recharge your batteries.

To get registered or for more information contact us at [email protected] or 503-725-8221.

"BootCamp helped me get my mojo back", BC '07 participant.