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Oregon Wild Wednesday - A Comeback For Condors!

Oregon Wild Wednesday – A free quarterly event open to all-ages. RSVP is not required, but we encourage you to arrive early. http://tinyurl.com/yjfwksl

When: Wednesday, October 21, 6-7:30 pm

Who: David Moen, Ani Kame'enui, Oregon Wild, you, and all your friends!

Where: Roots Organic Brewery, event room 1520 SE 7th Avenue Portland, OR 97214 http://www.rootsorganicbrewing.com/

Join David Moen, Oregon Condor Restoration Specialist & Oregon Wild for a night of good company, conversation, and carbonated beverages!

In 1987, only 22 California Condors remained. As part of a national recovery plan for the bird, all 22 were moved into a captive breeding program. Today, there are over 300 living condors and a captive breeding site right here in Oregon.

Learn how scientists saved this majestic bird from the brink of extinction and the work being done for a possible return to Oregon. David Moen, species recovery biologist with the Oregon Zoo will take us on a trip around the state to see where condors may one day find a home in the wilds of Oregon.

Moen’s work was recently featured in The Oregonian and OPB’s Oregon Field Guide. Since 2006, he has conducted ethnographic research, inquiry into local Native American cultural traditions, and ecological analysis of possible former condor nest sites to provide a historical context for condors in Oregon.

Moen and his colleagues evaluated almost 50 sites looking for evidence of past condor nesting. The survey centered on the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington and high rock outcroppings along selected tributaries in the region. Come find out more about this still-imperiled bird and the lengths to which one man has gone in the hopes of restoring it to our state.

Also presenting will be Oregon Wild Klamath Coordinator Ani Kame’enui. As recovery specialists like David work to find out where condors once lived, Ani spends her work days advocating for the special places other bird species currently call home. The National Wildlife Refuges of the Klamath Basin are at the heart of the pacific migratory flyway. Hundreds of thousands of birds stop over in the basin on their annual journey south. Ani will give a brief tour of the wonders of this southern Oregon gem with some stunning photography from Brett Cole.

WIN!!!: Every person who attends this free event will be entered into our raffle for great prizes like Patagonia gear! Drawing to take place evening of event; you must be present to win.

Go to http://www.oregonwild.org for more details (hikes and events on the bottom right)