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TweetsGivingPDX: A Celebration of Gratitude to Portland Social Changemakers

WHEN: Tuesday, November 24th, 5:30pm-7:30pm

WHERE: Lucky Labrador Brew Pub, 915 SE Hawthorne Blvd, Portland, Oregon

Are you part of an organization that uses technology for good (i.e. using social media, innovative website, video, mobile tech)? Do you know of an organization that uses tech for good? Then this event is for you!

It's the time of year to give thanks, and this year, we want to extend thanks to all the nonprofits and social good entities in Portland that do amazing - yet often unrecognized - work with technology all year long. Join us at the Lucky Lab to celebrate our collaborative gratitude to Portland organizations. Share your organization's story and hear how others in the community are using technology to help make Portland a better place for us all.

You can help kick-start this year's TweetsGivingPDX by nominating your organization or one that impresses you through it's remarkable use of technology for good. Click HERE to nominate an organization. Nominations will be posted to a wiki so we can all acknowledge the wonderful good our PDX organizations are achieving with technology.

Follow our local TweetsGiving activity at #TweetsGivingPDX.

TweetsGivingPDX is part of the national gratitude effort - Tweetsgiving. For more information on TweetsGiving visit tweetsgiving.epicchange.org.


Portland 501 Tech Club at http://groups.nten.org

Connect with us on FaceBook at PDXTech4Good

Questions? Please email Anna at [email protected] or Donna at [email protected].


NTEN is a 501(c)(3) organization of nonprofit technology professionals. Our members share the common goal of helping nonprofits use all aspects of technology more effectively.

