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Quality Education For All in the Middle East and Asia

Quality Education For All in the Middle East and Asia

When: Thursday, November 6, 2008, 3:00-4:30 p.m.

Where: Smith Memorial Union, Room 333, Portland State University, Portland, Oregon

Event Description: Join PSU’s Middle East Studies Center, the Office of International Affairs, the Institute of Asian Studies, and Mercy Corps in a discussion on education in the Middle East and Asia. Comments by Omnia Nour, Director, Qatar-based non-governmental organization Reach Out to Asia (ROTA)and Sarah Warren, former Mercy Corps country director in Lebanon, now working with ROTA. Reception to follow.

Mercy Corps has recently signed an agreement of partnership with the non-governmental organization Reach Out to Asia (ROTA), based in Doha, Qatar. ROTA’s main areas of work are international education and development programs; bringing new technologies into education, especially as tools for creating knowledge networks among educators; and outreach to the Qatar community to engage its citizens in voluntarism and other activities. ROTA has been working on educational quality and access in areas of crisis and great need, including Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia, Iraq, Lebanon, Nepal, Pakistan, Palestine, Syria, and Yemen. Come meet representatives of ROTA and Mercy Corps to learn more about this collaboration and the organizations’ goals of providing quality education for all.

More Information: To RSVP, please call (503) 725-4074.