Independent Contractors - Skills Trainer/Provider for Adults with Disabilities

Digest topic: Jobs & Internships


organization:The Arc Brokerage
position summary:

The Arc Brokerage is the newest Support Services Brokerages in the Portland Metro area. Brokerages link “customers” (adults with developmental disabilities) with qualified providers (you!) to give them the support needed to achieve their individual goals. We are looking to qualify new providers in the area who are energetic, have experience and interest in working with people with developmental disabilities, and are interested in supporting people living independently in the community. Providers are not hired by the brokerage to be assigned to customers; rather, they are qualified to be providers and will contract with each customer individually. Brokerages assist in facilitating these contracts. Brokerage customers, with assistance as needed, contract with providers of their choosing for support in many areas of daily living. Each customer decides what supports are necessary in order to achieve their individual goals. The Brokerage qualifies providers and assists customers with interviews and contracts. Independent Contractors utilize their skills and techniques to teach and encourage skills where needed. Number of hours and schedules are determined between provider and customer, and can vary with each contract. For a detailed list of support service categories, as well as current rate ranges, please visit: and refer to Independent Contractor rates.

To start qualification: Please send resume and cover letter to Stacy McFayden, Community Resource Coordinator, at [email protected], or send materials to Arc Brokerage, Attn: Stacy McFayden, 619 SW 11th Ave suite 244, Portland, OR 97205. Please note: Independent Providers work on a contractual basis and are not employed by Arc Brokerage.

Salary / Pay Rate:Varies by contract, skills, and experience. Visit and refer to Independent Contractor rates.
Required Skills and Abilities:Flexibility, independence, ethics, creativity. There is a high need as well for providers who are fluent in Spanish, Russian, or ASL. There is also a need for providers qualified in specialized supports, specifically Behavior and Social Sexual Consulting, and licensed RN.
Qualifications:Minimum Qualifications for Independent Contractor Status: • Have approval to work based on current Brokerage policy and procedures for review of criminal history • Be eligible to legally work in the United States • Be at least 18 years of age • Demonstrate by background, education, references, skill and abilities that he/she is capable of safety and adequately performing the tasks scheduled on the ISP, with such demonstration confirmed in writing (on contract or job description) by the Customer or Customer’s legal representative including: o Ability and sufficient education to follow oral and written instructions and keep any records required o Responsibility, maturity and reputable character exercising sound judgment o Ability to communicate with the Customer o Training of a nature and type sufficient to ensure that the provider has knowledge of emergency procedures specific to the Customer receiving services • Hold current, valid and unrestricted appropriate professional license or certification when providing services that require this. • Understand the requirement of maintaining confidentiality and safeguarding Customer information • Understand the requirement of being a Mandatory Abuse Reporter • Not be on the current Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services list of excluded or debarred providers or have a substantiated abuse investigation. • If providing transportation, have a valid driver’s license and proof of insurance as well as other license or certification that may be required under state and local law depending on the nature and scope of the transportation service.