Home Forward

Contact Information

principal contact:Marsha Chadwick
email:[email protected]
contact note:For job opportunities


Hope. Access. Potential


Home Forward (formerly the Housing Authority of Portland)

The mission of Home Forward is to assure that the people of the community are sheltered. Home Forward has a special responsibility to those who encounter barriers to housing because of income, disability or special need. Home Forward will continue to promote, operate and develop affordable housing that engenders stability, self-sufficiency, self-respect and pride in its residents and represents a long-term community asset. Home Forward will be a community leader to create public commitment, policy and funding to preserve and develop affordable housing.

After 70 years, Home Forward remains true to the goals we have always championed — shelter and support for our neighbors in need.
• We believe that everyone deserves a roof over their head, and that everyone is capable of improving their lives, regardless of their current situation.
• We strive to constantly improve our properties and programs to better serve both our residents and the communities where they live.
• We collaborate with more than 100 partner organizations: public, private, and nonprofit organizations that share our core values and goals.

Today, we are more committed than ever to serving the citizens of Multnomah County by promoting hope, access and the potential for a better tomorrow.