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Daily Digest

Digest for March 30, 2009

Digest Contents:

Free Trade, Food Security and Migration in Mexico
Salmon Stewardship Summit - accepting applications for 4 more days!
Free Compost Class Saturday April 4th
counseling/social work licensure internship
Coffee & Conversation Volunteer Coordinator, Life by Design NW
June 2009 NWEI Retreat & Sustainability Outreach Training
High Definition TV to donate
Friends of Library Book Sale


Free Trade, Food Security and Migration in Mexico

Witness for Peace Northwest Speaker Tour: NAFTA Turns 15 Free Trade, Food Security and Migration in Mexico

Thursday, April 16th 7pm Multnomah Monthly Meeting 4312 SE Stark, Portland

A discussion with Baldemar Mendoza Jiménez Agro-ecologist with the Union of Organizations of the Sierra Juarez, Oaxaca Take a deeper look at the effects of NAFTA, including resistance to genetically modified (GMO) corn, the impact of migration on sending communities, and the struggle for food security in Oaxaca ’s indigenous communities.

This event is open to the public. Professional translation (English-Spanish) provided.

For more information, contact Regional Organizer Beth Poteet at [email protected] or 503.287.7847, Event flyer .

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Would you like to be more visible in the community?

Do you need volunteers?

Reach out to clients; find new supporters; expand your volunteer base

Develop the capacity to produce your own media projects

Take charge of your organization's Media Production


Join us for an afternoon gathering to learn more about how PCM partners with local nonprofits and community-based organizations in Portland to bring community media access to neighborhoods, produce local programming and offer media education opportunities.PCM can be a partner in your Media and Communications strategy!


DATE: Monday, March 30, 4- 5:30 pm

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Salmon Stewardship Summit - accepting applications for 4 more days!

Salmon Stewardship Summit: Russian and American International Environmental Exchange Camp

Date: July 22nd - August 2nd, 2009

Place: Camp Arrah Wanna, OR

Who: Russian and American students ages 14-17

Students interested in challenging themselves on a new level are encouraged to apply for the FREE Salmon Stewardship Summit, a 12 day residential camp program with a focus on environmental stewardship & leadership.

The camp flyer can be downloaded here: http://www.healthywatersinstitute.org/pdf/StewardshipCampFlyer2009.pdf

The camp application can be downloaded here: http://www.healthywatersinstitute.org/pdf/StewardshipCampApplication2009.pdf

For more information contact:

Sarah Oakley

Regional Education Coordinator

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Free Compost Class Saturday April 4th

Free Compost Class Saturday April 4th

Saturday April 4, 2009  9:00am - 11:30am Fulton Compost Demonstration Site, 68 SW Miles St

Does Your Compost Stink?  Come learn the basics of home composting from Master Recyclers at the Fulton Compost Demonstration Site. You will learn how to turn kitchen scraps and yard debris into a great soil amendment for your garden.  We will also do some maintenance on the compost demonstration site.

Contact Portland Community Gardens to register. 503-823-1612 or [email protected]

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Jobs & Internships

counseling/social work licensure internship

Richmond Place, an Impact Northwest transitional housing program for homeless families, has 1-2 internships available for counselors or social workers seeking clinical licensure. Weekly clinical supervision would be provided by an LCSW with over 20 years of clinical and supervision experience in exchange for four hours per week of individual , group, or family therapy with youth ages 10-18 and their families.

Minimum qualifications include a Master's degree in counseling or social work and recent experience providing therapy or social services to youth and families.

If interested, please send resume, letter of interest and three references to Kathy Lovrien at [email protected].

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Coffee & Conversation Volunteer Coordinator, Life by Design NW

Have a passion for networking in the Portland area? Are you especially skilled at Event Planning? Enjoy working with dynamic speakers adept at engaging the 50+ audience?

Life by Design NW is seeking a Volunteer Coordinator to manage our popular Coffee and Conversation Networking Night the last Wednesday of every month. Use your creativity and knowledge of community resources to facilitate a relaxed evening where like-minded individuals can share experiences, network for jobs, connect with volunteer opportunities and learn about nonprofit work in Portland. We are looking for volunteers who want to make a meaningful contribution to the community and enhance Life by Design's goals by serving as a member of the team in outreach to our community.

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Nonprofit News

June 2009 NWEI Retreat & Sustainability Outreach Training

All are welcome--NWEI’s 2009 North American Gathering will center on the theme of “We’re All In”. We are currently faced with both the biggest challenge and opportunity of our lifetime. This year’s gathering will focus on how every segment of society—citizens, business, government, higher education institutions and faith communities—is working together to engage and respond to the call for a shift in consciousness.

Space is limited, so call 503-227-2807 or email contact[at]nwei.org for more information and to register.

June 19th-22nd at Menucha Conference & Retreat Center (Corbett, OR)


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High Definition TV to donate

We have a Samsung 56" high definition side projection TV that we would like to donate to a nonprofit organization. The TV was purchased at Frys in 2005 and was rarely used. It is an excellent condition.

If interested, please contact Anna Halpin at 503-806-7935 or [email protected]. I would be happy to send photos of the TV and/or the serial and model numbers.

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Q & A

There are currently no Q & A posts.

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Friends of Library Book Sale

For a fun and interesting experience, sign up to help The Friends of the Multnomah County Library at its spring used book sale benefit, April 25-26, in Gresham.

It will be at 670 NW Eastman Parkway in the Gresham Town Fair shopping center. It's north of West Powell Boulevard and south of Northwest Division Street. MAX Blue Line and TriMet Nos. 4 Division and 9 Powell serve the center.

We need people to greet customers, tally book purchases, check receipts as customers leave, stock and straighten up book tables and help clean up at the end.

Contact us at 503-224-9176 or at [email protected]. See www.friends-library.org for more information.

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