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Daily Digest

Digest for October 29, 2010

Special Notice

A spooky thought from CNRG

We don’t mean to spook you but in the spirit of Halloween, here's a thought that will make the hair on the back of your neck bristle...Imagine a world without CNRG! Where the popular monthly networking nights, daily digest, CNRG website, and free trainings are merely ghostly memories of collaboration, connections, and conversations. How would the more than 10,000 monthly CNRG users find out what was going on in Portland’s nonprofit and grassroots communities? This would be a nightmare! CNRG is run entirely by volunteers and we depend on your help to keep the website and other services out of the graveyard. Don't be haunted by this thought for another moment- please donate to CNRG through our PayPal account today!

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Digest Contents:

A spooky thought from CNRG
Watershed Stewards teach you How to Build a Rain Barrel for $35
Workshop 11/19: Connecting Across Differences in Intercultural Conflict
Intellectual property for social entrepreneurs
New Internship Opportunities with Small Arts Non-Profit!
Habitat ReStore: Looking for a Manager
Habitat ReStore: Looking for a Volunteer Coordinator
Looking for snowboarding mentor volunteers
Unique Mentoring Opportunity with the Friends of Tryon Creek State Park
Volunteer for the Portland Police Sunshine Division 11/5 & 11/6
Beaver Creek Tree Planting in Troudale on Saturday


Watershed Stewards teach you How to Build a Rain Barrel for $35

Watershed Stewards teach you how to build a rain barrel on November 4th!


Clark County experiences 35-50 inches of rainfall a year and most of it quickly washes down the streets and into rivers and streams. Rain barrels collect and store roof water to use in the garden, thus reducing water runoff into storm drains and waterways and helping recharge our groundwater supply. Watershed Stewards will help participants construct a rain barrel they can install at home.


Washington State University Clark County Extension and the Clark County Clean Water Program co-sponsor this workshop and others in a series of community workshops offered throughout the year.


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Workshop 11/19: Connecting Across Differences in Intercultural Conflict

Connecting Across Differences


In Intercultural Conflict.It's About Us




Friday, November 19, 2010


8:30 AM - 4:30 PM


Location: To Be Announced (wheelchair accessible)


This interactive workshop will explore cultural dynamics around communication and conflict that are sometimes hidden and uncomfortable to surface and discuss. Workshop leaders will help us understand how our different experiences of oppression and privilege impact us in intercultural interactions and will help us develop and practice skills to engage effectively across ethnic, gender, and other differences.


Registration Costs:


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Intellectual property for social entrepreneurs

At November's Springboard Social Innovation Forum we’ll feature two sessions led by two attorneys. Read more about the November 3rd event here: http://www.springboardinnovation.org/social_innovation_forum/nov2010/l3c_ip.html


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Jobs & Internships

New Internship Opportunities with Small Arts Non-Profit!

BroadArts Theatre, Portland's only feminist non-profit theatre production company, is seeking a handful of interns to help us bring in a new year of theatrical events and development projects with help needed in the areas of fund raising, outreach, marketing, web tech, and artistic development. Anyone with an interest in learning the ins and outs of the workings of a small, grassroots non-profit in general, or a small theatre company are encouraged to inquire- no experience necessary, just a good work ethic and a willingness to learn. Our positions are flexible and customizable to your schedule, experience, and desire. Internships are unpaid. This is a great opportunity to directly support and have an influence on one of Portland's unique non-profit, social justice arts organizations!

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Habitat ReStore: Looking for a Manager


Position: ReStore Manager


Washington County Habitat for Humanity ReStore, Beaverton Oregon


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Habitat ReStore: Looking for a Volunteer Coordinator



Position: Volunteer Coordinator




Washington County Habitat for Humanity ReStore, Beaverton Oregon




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Looking for snowboarding mentor volunteers

*SOS Outreach is looking for adults age 18 and over who are interested in working with youth as mentors for our snowboarding programs. Mentors need to be comfortable working with youth and be able to snowboard at a blue/intermediate level.


Here's more information about SOS....


**About SOS* SOS Outreach was founded in 1993 in Colorado’s Vail Valley. As a nonprofit organization, our programs build character and self-esteem in youth through outdoor activities and the SOS curriculum. SOS served 5,190 youth across the nation in 2009-2010 and offered 18,553 total program days.


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Unique Mentoring Opportunity with the Friends of Tryon Creek State Park

*Position Summary: * Mentor three high-school students (two seniors and 1 junior) from Oregon City Service Learning Academy while they work on mapping invasive species, propagating native plants, and piloting a stream monitoring program. Mentor can create other smaller projects if he/she chooses. The students already have a firm understanding of ecology and the mentor will have the opportunity to work closely with the Friends’ Education Coordinator when further assistance is needed. The mentor will help guide the students through these projects and the ups and downs of the teenage years. Some ecological knowledge is preferred, but a commitment to the program and the students is a must.

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Volunteer for the Portland Police Sunshine Division 11/5 & 11/6

Portland's Largest Garage Sale - Volunteer Opportunity


Friday, November 5 from 8am to 7pm and Saturday, November 6 from 7am to 4pm


Portland Expo Center, 2060 N Marine Drive


General Admission: $4.00 per day or $2.00 with 3 Cans of Food for the Sunshine Division** (Children 12 & under Free)


**Want to collect food at the door? Volunteers get free admission! Email [email protected]


Available Shifts, 3-4 people needed per shift:


Friday, November 5


8 to 11am


11am to 2pm


2 to 5pm


5 to 7pm


Saturday, November 6


7 to 10am


10 to 1pm

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Beaver Creek Tree Planting in Troudale on Saturday

Plant native trees and shrubs with SOLV in Troutdale on Saturday, October 30th! We will be working along Beaver Creek from 9:00am to 12:00pm rain or shine, and all tools, gloves and supplies will be provided. By planting native trees and shrubs, volunteers will be lowering stream temperatures and creating an ecosystem that will filter polluted stormwater runoff, improve water quality, provide better habitat for wildlife, and be more resilient to climate change.


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