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Welcome CNRG members.This is our living room. We sit and relax into meaningful conversation. Browse. Participate. Read. Learn.

CNRG Digest

CNRG's original digest of nonprofit info and resources has served the nonprofit community since 1998. List subscribers can choose to receive individual messages or a daily digest of posts.

Board Development Discussion Group

Boards are the foundations of nonprofit organizations. Supporting boards is challenging work. Share your stories with others and find out what they do to recruit, train, and reward their board members.

Marketing and Communications Forum

So you're not a marketing expert but need to know how to do it? Converse here to learn about target audiences, branding, outreach, public relations, sponsership, need I say more? Get in here!

Fundraising Forum

Grant writing, sponsorhsips, donor relations, major gift giving, event planning are just some of the topics we'll be hasing out here.

Human Resources

Hiring, interviewing, personnel issues, insurance, employee benefits, here is where to look and learn.


Content expressed in any community posting is not endorsed by CNRG, nor does it represent the official position of CNRG, its affiliated organizations or its members. As with any public forum, user beware.