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Transition Towns PDX Presents an Introduction - Wed 7pm


 When:  Wednesday, May 27, 2009 - 7:00pm - 9:00pm

Where: St. Francis Dining Hall  -  1182 SE Pine St.  -  Portland, OR







David Johnson is a friend of the founder of Transition Towns and Permaculture teacher, Rob Hopkins. He participated in the Great Unleashing of the first Transition Town Initiative in Totnes, England, before moving to Portland. He is one of the leaders of Transition PDX and has been giving trainings to groups in several parts of the US.

He will give an introduction to Transition Initiatives in general and to Transition in Portland as we imagine it now. There will be plenty of time for questions so you can discover how you, your neighborhood and your environmental non-profit can fit in. By the end of the evening, you will have an opportunity to find a place for yourself in the movement.

What is Transition Initiative? For those who haven’t heard of it...

Transition Initiative is a positive response to climate change and peak oil. It provides a model for communities to gather together, to re-envision, and to transform ourselves in ways that political leaders cannot do, to anticipate the results in our communities of dwindling oil resources (and higher fuel prices) and climate change, and to create our own visions of the future we want. Based on those visions, we can connect with existing environmental groups, organize our own responses to the physical limits we and our children may encounter, and teach ourselves how to prosper with less. Learning to live with less could mean expanding the joy in life, living richer lives, and enjoying deeper friendships as we work together. The Transition Initiative begins in any community with education and a small organized group, and it builds up to a full community meeting at which we create our own pathways to the future and then working groups, which look into food, transportation, housing, caring for the elderly and children, learning from the elders who once lived with less, and reskilling – and giving attention to matters of heart and soul as well. (See www.transitiontowns.org for information on this world-wide movement and what has been accomplished to date.)

All this is designed to lead eventually to an Energy Descent Action Plan to guide each community towards a resilient future.