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Small Homes Roadmap

Northwest EcoBuilding Guild - Western Columbia Chapter

* * Small Homes Roadmap * *

WHEN: Wednesday, May 27th Meet and Greet 6 PM * Workshop 6:30--8:30 PM

WHERE: Zion Baptist Church * Community Room NE 9th and Fremont __________________________________________

Portland needs small, affordable houses. Bring your ideas and join us for this opportunity to create a roadmap of changes to make small houses and ADUs easier and less costly to develop. We'll dialogue with Eric Engstrom, coordinator of the Bureau of Planning and Sustainability's RICAP zoning review process, and Debbie Cleek, coordinator of the Bureau of Development Services' Local Code Amendment process and Technical Review Advisory Committee.

Sebastian Collet from City Repair will be introducing this year's annual Village Building Convergence, June 4th-14th. He will be covering the process as well as participation opportunities for the community-based projects.


NWEBG Members FREE * $5 suggested donation * Refreshments *