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Open Position for Paid Intern, Environmental Ministry and Energy
Interns (two) TO APPLY: Send resume and cover letter and three refernces by e-mail to [email protected] or mail to Jenny Holmes, EMO/INEC, 0245 SW Bancroft, Suite B, Portland, OR 97239 or fax to (503) 223-7007 by June 15th, 2009.
GOAL: To provide support in outreach, education, advocacy, materials preparation, coordination and research for Ecumenical Ministries of Oregons (EMO) Interfaith Network for Earth Concerns (INEC) and Oregon Interfaith Power and Light.
KEY INTERNSHIP ACTIVITIES: (Some flexibility depending on interests of intern.) Perform outreach to congregations to publicize Oregon Interfaith Power and Light (OIPL) workshops and services. Research and document energy stewardship actions taken by congregations and develop case studies. Develop updates for INEC Web page. Assist in policy research, grassroots education and organizing on regional state and national climate change policy. Draft news releases, perform media outreach and update list of media contacts. Draft and perform research for new resources and brochures. Assist with OIPL workshops and presentations. Assist with organizing religious leaders meetings. One intern will focus half their time on our Solar Congregations Program.
WHAT YOU WILL LEARN: This internship provides an excellent opportunity to learn about the growing faith and environment movement, gain experience in education on energy and climate change and learn about energy and climate policy, non-profit administration and how to work with diverse congregations with diverse religious backgrounds.
SUPERVISOR: The intern reports directly to the INEC program manager.
QUALIFICATIONS: Excellent oral and written communications skills. Positive attitude, flexibility and ability to work independently. Basic knowledge of energy efficiency, renewable energy and basic energy terminology. Willingness to work with people of diverse ethnic and religious backgrounds. Strong ability to prioritize tasks. Highly organized. Willingness to work within the vision and mission of Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon. Desire to work with communities of faith. Database management skills and familiarity with Excel and Access. Background in religion, environmental education, marketing, political science or environmental studies.
DESIRED SKILLS AND EXPERIENCE: Knowledge of the faith-based earth stewardship movement. Experience and skill in working with congregations. Desktop publishing skills. Experience in energy efficiency and renewable energy.
DURATION/HOURS: 30 to 40 hours per week for at least two months between June 22 and September 30. We are especially looking for someone who can work in June, July and August. Unpaid internships with various duration and hours can be arranged for academic credit.
BENEFITS/COMPENSATION: $1,400 per month prorated for up to three months. Mileage and training provided. Arrangements can be made for academic credit if desired. Call (503) 221-1054, ext. 214, if you have any questions. You may also e-mail any questions to [email protected]. For more information about Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon please visit our Web site at www.emoregon.org. About INEC: INECs mission is to connect, inspire, inform and empower people, congregations and religious institutions to work for justice and the care and renewal of the earth. Educating and mobilizing the faith community to take action on energy and climate change are significant aspects of our work. INECs Oregon Interfaith Power and Light (OIPL) helps congregations and their members save energy and invest in renewable energy and advocates for global warming solutions, policies and initiatives.