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Wed. 6/10 Springboard Social Innovation Forum: Sustaining the Good
Join us for this month's Springboard Social Innovation Forum!
When: Wednesday, June 10, from 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. Doors open at 5:30 Where:Urban Grind Coffeehouse in NE, 2214 NE Oregon Cost: $5.00 at the door. Light supper included.
June's Forum defines sustainability in a new way. We address how nonprofit change organizations can develop sustaining strategies. We will offer an exemplary panel of how nonprofits are launching or shifting to revenue generation. And, a lawyer will also be on the panel to answer the nitty-gritty questions about how. Come learn how to launch or increase your own organization's sustainability!
Panelists: Sustaining the Good * Facilitated by Amy Pearl, Springboard Innovation * Chris Bekemier, Our United Villages/The ReBuilding Center How is Our United Villages sustained by The ReBuilding Center? How are these two efforts connected and what can you adapt and adopt for your own organization? * Amy Sacks, Pixie Project The Pixie Project operates with other nonprofit partners, runs a store, and has launched a new line of related specialty products. How can a nonprofit do this and remain a nonprofit? * Cynthia Cumfer, Attorney at Law, Community Development Law Center Legal answers about earned income strategies. What does it mean when a nonprofit launches a store, or buys a building? How do you plan and report these activities? What are the legal implications of this kind of nonprofit organization? Get your legal questions answered, and begin to think more strategically about keeping your good work sustained! Find out what you have to know from a legal expert who gets it.
We’ll start with the following questions, then it’s your turn. * What do we mean by sustaining the good? * What is sustainable change? * What are some examples of how to create sustaining strategies if you’re a nonprofit? * What are the legal and financial implications?
WORKSHOP: Nonprofit Sustaining Strategies and the Law - Cynthia Cumfer, Lawyer. How does a nonprofit launch specialty products, buy a building, or have a store? Are these legal activities for nonprofits to engage in? What else is possible for sustaining nonprofits? How do you plan and report these activities? Get your legal questions answered in this hour-long workshop.
We'll meet you at Urban Grind at 5:30 p.m. on June 10th!
Questions? Contact Springboard Innovation: 503-452-6898 [email protected] www.springboardinnovation.org