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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on November 18th (1st & NW Couch)
CNRG is an all volunteer run organization & we need your help!
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World Refugee Day Event- Friday June 19th!
When: June 19th, 2009 Time: 6:00-8:00pm Where: Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization 10301 NE Glisan St., Portland Or, 97211
Did you know that Oregon ranks eleventh nationally for numbers of refugees taken in, and Portland has the nation’s twelfth largest refugee population among U. S. cities?
These are real people in our community, with real needs, stories and strengths to share with us.
Join Portland’s four major refugee resettlement and service agencies for a night of
- film screening of a short film shot by children in the Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya.
-information about refugees in our country and community
-first hand accounts by refugees from Afghanistan, Chad and Burma
-tangible ways to get involved with the refugees and their families in your communities.
- a Q&A session for the audience to ask the panel questions
IRCO is on the 15, 33 and 20 bus lines, three blocks from the Max Blueline and walking distance from the Gateway Transit Center.
For more information and the event flyer, please visit www.irco.org