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$3 Soup Lunch to Benefit Recovering Oregon Youth (ROY)!!!

Portland non-profit Youth Progress Association (YPA) is holding their 4th Monthly “Soup To Go” lunch sale to benefit the R.O.Y project, YPA’s vocational training program. The event will be held at the organization’s office lobby at 604 SE Water Street on Thursday, June 18th from 11am to 1pm.

The R.O.Y. project (Recovering Oregon Youth) is our vocational training program, which includes the soup project, that is designed to help lower-functioning youth gain work experience and practice social skills in a supportive environment and easing their transition into employment outside of YPA.

The young adults in R.O.Y. have created their soup in a tube product from design, to recipes, packaging and marketing. Soup To Go day is an opportunity for the public to sample the soups, learn about the program and purchase the dried mixes. On offer for the first Soup Day will be “Kathy’s Classic Black Bean”, “4+1 Mixed Bean” and “Hasta la Pasta” versions. $3 will buy a large bowl of one of the soups, or a sampler of all three and will include a slice of bread. Sodas and dessert items will also be available, as well as gift baskets of the soups. Program Coordinator Suzie McDermott said “The kids are so excited to see their soup made available to the public. This is a wonderful opportunity for them to see the final step in the process. They have really succeeded at creating a delicious product.”

“Soup To Go” is a monthly event at YPA. All proceeds directly benefit the R.O.Y. Project at Youth Progress Association. The June event will be the last Soup to Go event at our current space on Water Ave. On August 20th, we will have a special kick off event at our new space at 2040 SE Powell.

Orders can also be placed for the soup mixes online: http://roy.youthprogress.org/ For more info, please contact: Michael Marantic, 503-233-6121 or email [email protected]
