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Free Lead-Safe Home Projects Workshop

Thinking about sanding down the window-sills of your 1945 house? Want to refinish that beautiful old used door? Want to use a hand-me-down crib with painted surfaces? Be sure you’re being lead-safe! Community Energy Project is offering a free workshop on how to conduct paint disturbing projects while protecting you and your family from the hazards of lead exposure. Lead-Risk Certified instructor Perry Cabot will be giving this free and informative presentation on how to set up for a project, carry out your project safely, and handle effective clean-up. Qualified participants receive free lead-safe cleaning materials, including a sanding sponge, HEPA mask, 4mil plastic, and more.

Tuesday, June 16th from 6:00-7:30 PM at Community Energy Project 422 NE Alberta Street

To RSVP, please call 503.284.6827 x107 or email [email protected] (please include your name, which workshop you’d like to attend, and how you heard about us)

For more information, visit www.communityenergyproject.org


Perry Cabot is a State of OR Certified Lead-based Paint Risk Assessor with a certificate in Lead-safe remodeling from Oregon Remodeler’s Association and has more than three years of community education in lead poisoning prevention.



Community Energy Project

422 NE Alberta St.

Portland, OR  97211

