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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on November 18th (1st & NW Couch)
CNRG is an all volunteer run organization & we need your help!
Donations are rather helpful as well
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Volunteer before the BRIDGE GOES UP - Reach the Bridge (6/28)
Be a part of Portland's only reverse-timed race! Runners and walkers leave as early as they want, or as late as they dare, but their challenge is to reach the Burnside bridge before it goes up at 9am-SHARP!
Over 100 volunteers are needed to make Reach the Bridge a success. From cheering on participants to hanging banners, volunteers help with a variety of easy, yet important tasks. There is something for everyone, whether you are outgoing or shy, or want seated or standing projects.
All volunteers will receive: - a free Reach the Bridge hat - a thorough training - a strong cup of coffee to get you going!
We especially need COURSE MARSHALS. This is the most important role in the event and we need your help in filling the remaining positions. 50 Course Marshals must be in place on the streets before we're allowed to start the race. Course Marhals keep participants safe from traffic and you get the best view of the race as you cheer on the runners on their way to the bridge.
Date: Sunday, June 28
Time: In the AM, different positions have different times
TO REGISTER: Visit www.ReachTheBridgeRun.org for more info and sign up to volunteer today!
Reach the Bridge is an opportunity to honor lung cancer survivors and pay special tribute to those lost to the disease. Proceeds from the event benefit the American Lung Association in Oregon and help fund the research that makes an impact on this devastating disease.