Administrative Manager/Development Coordinator

Digest topic: Jobs & Internships


organization:Polaris Dance Theatre
position summary:

Administrative Manager/Development Coordinator: Polaris Dance Theatre Exceptional opportunity for growth with 7-year old company. New full-time position. Nonprofit, supervisor and management experience required. Full-time to begin in August. Collaborative management team seeks passionate, arts idealist who is a well organized, strategic, entrepreneurial, systematic, self-motivated people person. Requires Web/IT-Mac platform/database and writing skills. Job responsibilities: report to company director; develop, track and supervise the organization's administrative work plan, revising, part-time staff and employees; coordinate board communications; liaison to/with senior staff (artistic director, co-director, executive board); Grant research and grant writing; membership/annual fund drive ordination. Salary $28-$32,000. Submit cover e-mail, resume and three professional references to: [email protected] closing date 5 PM July 21. No phone calls please.

Salary / Pay Rate:$28-$32,000
Other:Equal Opportunity Employer