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Prevent Lead Poisoning - Free Workshop

Do you live in an older home? Do you have double-hung windows, painted stairs, and/or painted doors? If you live in a home older than 1978, you may have concerns about being exposed to lead. Community Energy Project provides free workshops to the community on how to protect you and your family from the dangers of lead poisoning. The class includes how lead affects the body, common exposure points in the home, diet, and lead-safe cleaning techniques. Qualified participants receive a free kit of materials include lead-safe cleaning and testing supplies as well as information on other lead resources in the community.

Our next workshop is August 11th from 6:00-7:30pm at Community Energy Project (422 NE Alberta Street)

Workshop is child friendly.

Please register by calling 503.284.6827 x107 or email Perry at [email protected]  

Community Energy Project

422 NE Alberta St.

Portland, OR  97211


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