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Friends of Reservoirs meeting, TODAY Sept. 23, 7pm
To Portland Water Drinkers:
We currently drink some of the best quality tap water in the country, naturally pure rain water which falls into a protected watershed, is filtered through millions of fir needles and earth, and stored in open reservoirs, where it is exposed to natural UV radiation, effectively keeping it free of harmful microbes. Because we source our water from an entire watershed that is protected, we do not drink the multitude of chemicals that most Americans drink-everything from birth control, to pesticides, teflon to pharmaceuticals. It is a system that has worked beautifully for over 100 years, and is widely understood as the model for sustainable and affordable water. We are truly blessed to be drinking the water we do. Let us take a moment to give thanks for this.
But all this is changing—and fast—yet not for the reasons you have probably heard. To learn more and get involved, attend the Friends of Reservoirs meeting, TODAY Sept. 23, 7pm at Mt. Tabor Presbyterian Church, in the cafeteria in church basement. 5441 S.E. Belmont.
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