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Idealist Nonprofit Career Fair - Oct 14th

CNRG Nonprofit Networking Night - Oct 15th

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Forming and Maintaining a Nonprofit, a Workshop

* Are you in the initial stages of forming a nonprofit, or thinking about starting one? * Perhaps you are on your way but need a checkup before shifting into high gear.

The following will be covered: * Pros & cons of establishing a nonprofit * Business planning and mission/purpose statement * Incorporating * Business licenses, charity registration, annual reports * How to choose your initial directors * Conflicts of interest, fiduciary duties * Getting your materials together for the IRS 1023 application * Charitable deduction issues

Participants will leave with increased perspective and resources to better undertake the work of establishing a nonprofit.

Presenter Jason B. Joner joined the Vancouver office of law office of Miller Nash in 2003 in the business department. He focuses his practice on commercial real estate financing and general business and corporate law, with a particular emphasis on mergers and acquisitions, corporate governance, limited liability companies, "S" corporations, partnerships, and nonprofit corporations.

Session: Thursday, October 22, 1:00 to 4:30 pm E.B. Hamilton Hall, 605 Barnes, Vancouver, WA http://nonprofitnetworkwa.org/

$38 regular $30 Nonprofit Network Members & Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce Members $22 each additional person from an organization-building team

Contact: Jeanne Kojis, Nonprofit Network SWWA [email protected] or 360.735.7110 Sign up for our newsletter! http://nonprofitnetworkwa.org