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October is Nonprofit Career Month - What are you Doing about it?

Nonprofit Career Month is an interactive, user-generated community site designed to provide a comprehensive picture of what it's like to work in a nonprofit organization as well as resources and tips for how to create a career in the sector. For the first year of this initiative, we’re creating resources and events in five pilot states, we've got a shiny new website NonprofitCareerMonth.org, and are offering free virtual simulcasts and webinars you can sign up for.

And while there are some great user-submitted resources already on the site--we're relying on you to submit your best practices, speakers profiles, and resources to make this a hub for information about nonprofit careers. Sound good? Here’s where you can start:

  • State profiles: Want to know what the nonprofit sector looks like in the five pilot states? Check out the State Profile of Oregon for stats on employment, key issues, and sector growth.
  • Interviews with nonprofit professionals: Each week, we'll have several new podcasts featuring people working in the nonprofit sector in our five pilot states
  • Virtual workshops: Each week during October, we'll be hosting free webinars and simulcasts on nonprofit career topics. Check out the Simulcasts page for more details.
  • Career resources: Want a comprehensive list of free nonprofit career resources to help you in your job search or development? Check out the Career Resources for a list of job and volunteer sites, networking events, and information about the nonprofit sector.

Want to contribute to this initiative? Here's what you can do:

  • Submit a speakers profile. If you've worked in the nonprofit sector and are willing to share your experiences, create a profile for our online database.
  • Have a great tip for finding or getting a nonprofit job? Submit a best practice about it to share your expertise with others.
  • Send us your ideas! We'll be posting about the great things people are doing for the month so send us a brief summary of what you plan to do!
  • Post a web banner on your blog or site. In our press kit, we've got several web banners so that you can show your support for this initiative.
  • Check out our daily blog posts! We've got a blog with 16 bloggers from across the country. See what they've got to say with new posts daily by subscribing in your favorite blog reader
  • Know of great resources that aren’t listed? Send us an email at info [at] nonprofitcareermonth.org and let us know what else we should include!

Don’t let Nonprofit Career Month just pass you by — do something about it!