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Add Your Voice to IS's FutureLab

Dear Academic Colleague,  

As a leading member of the non-profit academic community, I am writing to invite you to join an important conversation about the future of the nonprofit sector. 

The conversation is online at:

and we think you could provide a unique and important voice to what could be a very interesting discussion.   

Independent Sector created FutureLab as a place for the members of the academic, charitable, and philanthropic community to identify common goals and share ideas about how to achieve them.  Right now, there are 30+ ideas and 10 discussion questions all focused on one thing: What can we do right now, as a nonprofit community, to create a better more vibrant 2020?    The discussions range from Leadership programs to Diversity to the Role of Government and Religious Groups.  We’re looking to you to login, contribute, and ask your colleagues to do the same.  

Specifically, I am asking you to do two things today:              

(1) YOU: Please take a moment now to go to the site yourself and add a comment.  There is a short registration process, but once you are in the site, it should not take much of your time.  You can comment on and rank existing ideas or share a new idea that will strengthen our organizations and expand our individual and combined impact.              

(2) OTHERS: Help spread the word.  Please send an invitation via email, newsletter, or website to your staff, members, affiliates, chapters, alumni, and other networks to join the conversation.  You can find sample language and graphics at

This is an OPEN FORUM -- everyone’s voice counts.  Contribute to the sector’s collective thinking and together, we can envision and build a brighter future for all.    

See you online, :paul:      


Sharon Hasenjaeger