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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on December 16th (1st & NW Couch)
CNRG is an all volunteer run organization & we need your help!
Donations are rather helpful as well
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Pro Bono Organizational Development Consulting Services Offered
The Leadership Institute of Seattle (http://www.lios.org) is seeking requests from Executive Directors, managers and project leaders that would benefit from having a supervised team of students consult with them. This consultation is provided pro bono, or free of charge, in exchange for your providing a learning opportunity for consulting team members. We are in the process of identifying and qualifying projects for three teams that will begin consulting in February 2010.
Organization development targets strategic change within any organization including: establishing clear processes, initiating meaningful and sustainable change, and enhancing the overall effectiveness of the organization via a focus on organizational goals and means and interpersonal relationships and team building.
Your consulting team would be comprised of students from the Pacific Northwest, from across the U.S. and from several foreign countries. They bring a whole system, global business perspective with an emphasis on building strong collaborations within teams and non-profit organizations. The Portland-based LIOS team can offer bi-lingual services in Spanish and English.
Please contact Nancy Ochoa and Jennifer Bies at [email protected] for more information.