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Garlington Center -- Garden Project Coordinator

The tenants of the Garlington Center – North by Northeast Community Health Center, Cascadia Behavioral Healthcare and SMYRC – are in the planning stages of turning a large plot of green space in our back parking lot into the Garlington Garden, a garden to be created, tended to and shared by our clients & volunteers. We are looking for an initiative-taking, enthusiastic volunteer who has some experience in project management and/or community gardens who can, over the next several months, assist us with the planning phase of this project. The time commitment will likely be 10-20 hours/month depending on how you choose to structure the hours.

For more information, see the North by Northeast website volunteer page: http://www.nxneclinic.org/uninsured/north_portland/health/C8

If you have questions about this volunteer position, contact Suzy Jeffreys at [email protected] or (503) 946-6380.