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Portland Plan Community Workshops Start November 17

While this is not a CNRG sponsored event, we wanted to help get the word out about the upcoming community workshops for the update to the Portland Plan. 

The Portland Plan will be our City’s strategic plan for the next 25 years, ensuring that Portland is a thriving and sustainable city and our people are prosperous, healthy and educated. Residents are invited to these workshops to work together with the City and neighbors to discuss challenges, define priorities and guide investments for the future.  All Portlanders are welcome, and we look forward to your input.

  • Tues.,  11/17 6:30-9:00pm - Beaumont Middle School - 4043 NE Fremont St.
  • Thurs., 11/19 6:30-9:00pm - David Douglas High School - 1001 SE 135th
  • Tues., 12/1  6:30-9:00pm - St. Johns Community Center - 8427 N Central St.
  • Thurs., 12/3 8:00-9:30pm - World Trade Center - 121 SW Salmon St.
  • Sat.,   12/5 10am-12:30pm - Mt. Scott Community Center - 5530 SE 72nd 
  • Mon.,  12/7  6:30-9:00pm - Wilson High School - 1151 SW Vermont St.
  • Tues., 12/15 6:30-9:00pm - University of Oregon - Old Town, 70 NW Couch St.
