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Movies and Meaning Group "Coco Before Chanel" November 19

Join us for this month's movie, Coco Before Chanel, on Thursday, November 19 for an enjoyable exploration into the success of fashion designer, Coco Gabrielle Chanel. Here is the beginning of Roger Ebert's review:

"We talk about people inventing themselves." That assumes they know who they want to invent. "Coco Before Chanel" begins with an abandoned orphan girl name Gabrielle, watches her grow into a music hall chanteuse, who then sidesteps prostitution by becoming a mistress. All the while from behind the clouds of her cigarettes she regards the world with unforgiving realism and stubborn ambition. She doesn't set out to become the most influential fashion icon of the 20th century. She begins by designing a hat, making a little money and striving to better herself. She wants money and independence. One suspects she would have been similarly driven if she had invented a better mousetrap and founded a home-appliance empire." FULL REVIEW: http://rogerebert.suntimes.com/apps/pbcs/dll/article? AID=/20091007/REVIEWS/910079994/-1/RSS

JOIN US THIS MONTH FOR Coco Before Chanel, rated PG-13, 110 minutes, Thursday, November 19, 7:15 p.m., Hollywood Theater, 4122 NE Sandy Blvd., $6.50 adults, $4.50 seniors. Meet at 7:00 p.m. in front of theater.

DISCUSSION FOLLOWING Hollywood Wine and Bar, directly across the street.

RSVP's are appreciated. RSVP to [email protected]