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Tryon Creek Ivy Pull This Saturday

Stewardship Saturdays

Every second and fourth Saturday of the month 9:00am to 12:00pm

Second Saturdays are always ivy pulls and fourth Saturdays may be trail maintenance during the fall and winter.

Ivy pulls: 

Pull together to remove invasive English ivy and to protect our forest.  Ivy out-competes our native plants, takes over the forest floor, shades out trees and ruins precious habitat.

Trail Maintenance:

Work with other volunteers to maintain trails and keep them safe and clean. Projects may include digging out paths for rain water, spreading gravel and clearing culverts.


December 12th  Ivy pull

December 26th  Ivy pull

Where: Nature Center at Tryon Creek State Park

Details:  Registration is not required, but anyone under 18 must have a minor’s insurance form and be checked in by their parent. Anyone under 15 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian during the activity. The forms and more information may be found at www.tryonfriends.org.  Gloves and a light snack provided.  Please dress for the weather as we work rain or shine.  Please bring your own water bottle.  We have lots of fun and hope to see you on a Saturday.

Contact: Amy Hoffman at 503-636-4398 or [email protected]