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Movies and Meaning Group "The Hurt Locker" - March 18

The movies and Meaning Group is held the third Thursday of the month (March 18). Every month I try to find a movie that provides for some good discussion around the values we hold and the philosophical, spiritual or religious roots from which our values emerge. I also try to find venues that are low cost, are near a good restaurant, pub, or wine room, and are relatively easy to get to. It's difficult to get all those pieces to work together every month. This month we did pretty well.

We will be seeing "The Hurt Locker" which just won the Oscar for Best Picture and Best Director among other awards. It is an especially provocative film around the issue of "call" or our purpose in life. Roger Ebert has this quote from his review from last year: "we have a pretty clear idea of why James needs to defuse bombs. I'm going to risk putting it this way: (1) bombs need to be defused; (2) nobody does it better than James; (3) he knows exactly how good he is, and (4) when he's at work, an intensity of focus and exhilaration consumes him, and he's in that heedless zone when an artist loses track of self and time." The longer review can be viewed at http://rogerebert.suntimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article? AID=/20090708/REVIEWS/907089997.

JOIN US THIS MONTH FOR The Hurt Locker, 127 minutes, rated R, Thursday, March 18, 6:30 p.m., Academy Theater Pub, 7818 SE Stark. No one under 21! Meet at 6:10 p.m. for seats (limited seating!)

DISCUSSION FOLLOWING Flying Pie Pizzaria, 7804 SE Stark (next door).

RSVP's are appreciated. RSVP to [email protected]