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Oregon Wild Wednesday: Getting Beyond the Wolf Wars

What: Oregon Wild Wednesday - A free quarterly event open to all-ages. No RSVP required. http://tinyurl.com/wildwed0410

When: Wednesday, April 14th, 6 - 7:30pm

Who: George Wuerthner, Rob Klavins, Oregon Wild, you, and all your friends!

Where: Roots Organic Brewery, event room 1520 SE 7th Avenue Portland, OR 97214 http://www.rootsorganicbrewing.com/

These are interesting times for wolves, their advocates, and detractors.

Though still home to less than 20 wolves, Oregon’s wolf plan is up for review, a Montana judge holds the fate of the species in his hands, and both wildlife advocates & wolf opponents are gearing up for a fight. No wonder the cover of Nat’l Geographic was recently emblazoned with the headline “Wolf Wars”.

Bring a friend, grab a beverage, and head on down to Roots brewpub to meet George Wuerthner. George is an ecologist, acclaimed author, & photographer with a long history in western wolf recovery. He’ll share lessons learned from the return of wolves in the Northern Rockies and discuss the potential for recovery in Oregon.

Oregon Wild will also share their efforts to protect wolves and the big wild places they and their prey need to thrive.