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Job Announcement: Executive Director for APNBA


Alliance of Portland Neighborhood Business Associations (APNBA) Job Announcement


Title:                                       Executive Director

Status:                                    Full-time, exempt position

Salary range:                         DOE



APNBA was created in 1985 as an alliance of the 35+ business district associations (BDAs) in Portland, Oregon. BDA members are the merchants, property owners, and employees in the commercial districts. BDAs support and promote their commercial area.

APNBA has just completed a rigorous review with Board, members and community partners and is clear about its central focus and direction for the next two years:

BDA capacity building and organizational development, Event marketing and other marketing/publicity for the member BDAs.



APNBA is looking for a dynamic, self-starting leader with a successful track record of building relationships and partnerships to fulfill our commitment to implementing the recently approved value proposition below in a way that is consistent with our values.


"Every BDA in Portland can get bigger, stronger, and richer as a result of APNBA's support."  We will bring expert help IN THE FIELD to BDA membership drives; we will provide technical and financial help with your marketing efforts and special events; and we will build communication between BDAs.  By being active in this "trade association," you will increase your own membership base, run more successful events and programs, and help to strengthen the entire city's business community.


The successful Executive Director will accomplish this by:

Hiring appropriate staff or assistance to help implement our direction Working quickly with the City and the Board to finalize and implement the plan Meeting and developing relationships with all partners Developing and implementing the marketing strategy Expanding fundraising Working irregular hours


This is an extraordinary opportunity for an energized person who enjoys making connections around the city, building partnerships, and assisting business district associations.


To accomplish all this, the new Director will need the following characteristics:


Tested ability to focus. You must be able to work in an environment with strongly competing demands on your time while focusing and leading the board, members, staff and yourself to achieve our strategic direction. Experience building and leading strong teams that achieve their goals. Diverse communication skills. You must have excellent written and oral communication skills, be comfortable speaking eloquently and compellingly to a wide range of groups or individuals. Proven thriftiness. You must have shown that you can adhere to a budget and get extraordinary return from dollars invested in you. A passion for achieving measurable outcomes. Ability to create, monitor and adhere to budgets, overall fiscal accountability experience. Experience working effectively with a board of directors or other supervisory body. Ideally a mix of for profit and nonprofit leadership experience.



Application Packet Must Include:

A complete chronological resume.

Names and contact information for 4 references.

A cover letter with answers to the following questions:  

·         Why are you interested in working as the Executive Director for APNBA?

·         How well do your skills and background meet the job description needs?

·         How did you hear about this position?

·         What are your salary requirements?


To apply, submit the above information to:  [email protected] with “APNBA” in the subject title by Friday, May 21st at 5:00 pm. Or by mail to: TACS, 1001 SE Water St, Suite 490, Portland, OR  97214. Attn: Bob Hazen, APNBA.