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Credit Card Processing for Auctions?

Dear CNRGizers:

We recently held our annual auction, which was a great success, but the credit card processing for which I was responsible was less than desirable.

Last year we bought a wireless terminal in hopes of expediting ticket sales at our events, but instead it seems to have slowed things down.

I think I may convert to a "store and forward" system, but that would not be ideal at our auctions because the bottleneck is at checkout. Ideal would be to swipe and save card info at check-in, and get signatures on the tallied bidder sheets at checkout authorizing the charge on the card...then batch electronically after the fact. Our Merchant Services is telling us we can't do it that way.

We're small enough that we can't afford any auction software (that I know of) that would enable us to capture card info and charge later.

I would be very grateful if anyone who has experience managing auctions for smaller organizations would be willing to contact me directly to discuss what works for you.

Thank you,

Bill Leissner


Business Manager


Aurora Chorus


[email protected]





503-AURORA-1 (503-287-6721) . PO Box 14505 . PORTLAND, OR 97293


WWW.AURORACHORUS.ORG . [email protected]