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Regional Livability Summit - April 29th Volunteer Opportunities

Great volunteer opportunities are available to support the 8th Annual Regional Livability Summit being held in Portland on April 29th. The Livability Summit is an inspiring event that provides community leaders, advocates, government staff, elected officials, students, teachers and the multi-faceted Portland-Vancouver public an important opportunity to propel the notion of "what it takes to get the results we want... results on equity, sustainability, and prosperity".

This year's Summit features "A New Story: Moving Hearts, Minds and Policy in the 21st Century", a keynote address by Alan Jenkins, Executive Director of The Opportunity Agenda, a Washington, D.C.–based communications, research, and advocacy organization that works to build the national will to expand opportunity in America. The day will also include breakout sessions facilitated by local community leaders. View more Summit details at http://clfuture.org/events/2010summit.

Volunteer Opportunities:

To become a Summit Volunteer, please contact Kathy at [email protected] or 503-294-2889. In your message, please indicate all volunteer options that will work for you, whether you would like to do more than one job, and which roles you prefer. Please also leave your contact information so we can contact you with a confirmation.

Set-up on April 29 – (6:45am – 9am) Help us with setting up the conference room and tables as well as the food area.

Kitchen Crew on April 29 - The kitchen crew will keep the food/drink area looking nice, help organize delivery and serving of lunch and kitchen clean up.

* Early shift (8 am - noon) * Middle Shift (noon - 4 pm)

Runners on April 29 – Help us keep things moving by running materials, escorting presenters and other participants needing assistance, helping with set-up and clean-up throughout the day.

* Early shift (7:45 am - noon) * Middle Shift (10 am - 2 pm) * Late shift (2 pm to 5 pm)

Tech Support on April 29 – Help set up laptops for Powerpoint presentations and to monitor rooms during the breakout sessions

* Morning shift (9 am – noon) * Afternoon shift (1:15 am – 3:45 pm)

Photographers / Video recording on April 29– We anticipate some powerful moments throughout the day as presenters and participants share ideas, feedback, and take action related to the work of “getting results”. Help us record the people, place and time when things really happened. Please bring your own digital camera and any cables or card readers needed to upload your pictures to our laptop.

* Photographer first shift (8 am - noon) * Photographer second shift (noon - 4 pm) * Videographer first shift (9:00-10:15-Keynote) * Videographer second shift (11:15 am - 2:00 Lunchtime Panel)

Note takers – Take notes for a breakout session and prepare an electronic summary of the session for the Summit proceedings report. You can bring your own laptop for note taking or take notes on paper and send CLF the electronic version after the Summit. To sign up as a note-taker please contact Nicole Powell at [email protected] or call her at 503-294-2889.

* 1st Breakouts (10 - noon) * 2nd Breakouts (1:45-3:45 pm)

Registration Attendants on April 29 – Check in Summit guests and speakers and help direct people. Some registration volunteers may also do registration data entry.

* Early shift (7:30am – 10am) * Middle Shift (10 am - 1 pm) * Late shift (1 pm - 3 pm)

Transport on April 28 & 29 – If you have access to a car/truck, we need transporters to help us with moving food, materials and equipment.

* Wed afternoon April 28 (approx. 3 - 6 pm) - pick up donated food items and bring to the CLF office * Thurs morning April 29(6:45 - 8:30 am) - pick up donated food items and bring directly to PSU