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Help the Sunshine Division at Just Between Friends

Just Between Friends is a great place to get kid clothes, toys, etc. And at the end of the sale all leftover kid and maternity clothes are donated to the Sunshine Division!  Many volunteers are needed to make the sale a success.  Would you like to help?

Here are the details of the times we need volunteers: Wednesday, April 28 8am-10pm Thursday, April 29 8am-10pm Friday, April 30 8am-10pm Saturday, May 1 8am-10pm Sunday, May 2 8am-10pm Monday, May 3 8am-4pm

All volunteering is in 4 hours shifts. You can register for as many shifts as you want by going to www.portland.jbfsale.com and hitting the "online sign up" button at the top of the page. Or, you can call Tammy at 503-327-4821. All volunteers earn passes to shop before the public.

Below are some of the most common JBF volunteer positions:

CHECKOUT: Volunteer will scan tags as shoppers check out, count the number of items, and take payment from the shopper.

SALES FLOOR: Volunteer will circulate on sales floor checking for dropped items and missing tags, straightening clothing on racks and tables, or hanging up items that were not purchased. Volunteers also work the hold area and the large item area. We also need people to check receipts at the door as shopper exit.

INSPECTION: On drop off day JBF needs people to check through all of the clothing brought in by consignors to make sure it meets the JBF standards (i.e. no rips, stains, or holes etc...).

SET UP/DROP OFF: Volunteers will help to set up clothing racks and tables before drop off. After the sale, JBF will need volunteers to sort the unsold items and take down the clothing racks and tables.

Sara Gourley

Portland Police Bureau Sunshine Division

Emergency food & clothing relief since 1923

Direct: 503.823.2116

687 N Thompson St, Portland, OR  97227
