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Expose Your Organization to 25,000 for FREE by Supporting Portland Sunday Parkways

We invite you and your organization to “own” an intersection of Portland Sunday Parkways the event. With 25,000 people coming right past your station, you would have a full exhibition opportunity to engage the public on your own terms.

• You make the intersection as exciting and inviting as you want.

• We give you chalk so that you can decorate the streets with your name.

• In exchange, you can help us with our #1 biggest need of the event - Intersection Superhero volunteers.

In order to succeed in this huge event, we need the support of the entire community. Over 300 volunteers assist in all aspects of the event, from park set up, to roving bike mechanics. Our greatest need is for Intersection Superheros.

Every single intersection along the course must be monitored by a volunteer. The job is simple, but important - keeping event participants and local traffic living happily together.

We get the volunteer support needed to keep this great community event going, you get great exposure to your organization, everybody wins!

All volunteers will receive a free Sunday Parkways t-shirt, snacks, drinks and all necessary training.



Portland Sunday Parkwaysis a festival that brings the entire community together for 5 hours of car-free streets. Over 125,000 people will walk, jog, bike, and stroll together on routes in NE, N, SE, E and NW Portland.

In each event, our parks play a central role in hosting musicians, food vendors, picnics and fun activities. Our next event is coming up on Sunday, June 27th in North Portland. Join us!



If you support Sunday Parkways and if this sounds like a fun idea, please let us know. We will work with you to create the most exciting and beneficial opportunity to spread the work about your organization.

Contact our Volunteer Manager, Neal, anytime at [email protected] or 503.473.3547