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Wild Rivers Film NIght - Thursday, May 13th!

Join the Crag Law Center and Gifford Pinchot Task Force on Thursday, May 13th at the Hollywood Theater (4122 NE Sandy Blvd) for the Wild Rivers Film Night. The evening will feature the Portland Premiere of Trout on the Wind, and include short films from the Wild and Scenic Film Festival. Doors open at 6:30, films start at 7:00. Tickets are $7.

Trout on the Wind is a locally produced documentary about the removal of the Hemlock Dam from Trout Creek in Washington. Trout Creek is a tributary of the Wind River in the Columbia River Gorge, and in the summer of 2009 salmon and steelhead made their way up the creek without the aid of a fish ladder for the first time in decades. The Forest Service worked with local organizations, contractors and citizens to joined forces to remove Hemlock dam and restore over 20 miles of prime habitat for Columbia River Steelhead. This film provides a first hand look at how this successful restoration project was accomplished from start to finish.

Three additional selections from the Wild & Scenic Film Festival will be shown, including John Waller’s Ascending the Giants, the Good Life Parable: An MBA Meets a Fisherman and a short called SalmonsKin by Thomas Dunklin.

All proceeds from the showing will benefit the Crag Law Center and Gifford Pinchot Task Force. Crag is a public interest environmental law center that supports community efforts to protect and sustain the natural legacy of the Pacific Northwest. Gifford Pinchot Task Force supports the biological diversity and communities of the Northwest through conservation and restoration of forests, rivers, fish, and wildlife. The two organizations have worked together for many years on projects in Washington, played a role in the removal of Hemlock dam and restoration of Trout Creek.

For more information, visit www.crag.org/support-us/crag-events and http://www.gptaskforce.org/getinvolved/upcoming-events