Straub Environmental Learning Center Manager

Digest topic: Jobs & Internships


organization:Friends of the Straub Environmental Learning Center
position summary:

The FSLEC is seeking a committed, responsible, and dedicated individual to oversee the daily operation of this educational non profit. The FSELC Manager will be the public face of the FSELC, interacting with program participants, local businesses, the press, and potential donors and granting organizations. This job requires strong organizational, outreach, writing, and management skills. The ideal candidate will be a proactive individual with excellent communication skills and the ability to interact with people from all walks of life. This candidate will be able to handle multiple projects at once, prioritize tasks effectively and work independently. FSELC is a growing organization and as such, the FSLEC Manager must be flexible and willing to take on new and increasing responsibilities. This is an opportunity to gain experience in nonprofit management.

Schedule: Full time: Office hours - 20 hours per week in office, 20 hours per week offsite Salary: Starting $20,000

Projected Start Date: June 1, 2010 Application Deadline: May 28, 2010 Location: Salem, Oregon


Outreach and Administration (1/2 time) • Work with accountant and Board treasurer to manage FSELC’s budget and financial records, including projecting expected cash flow and monitoring use of funds. • Assist accountant and Board treasurer to prepare FSELC’s monthly financial statements. • Monitor administrative and program spending to ensure that spending is compatible with FSELC priorities, budget projections, and grant deliverables. • Manage timely reporting to funding organizations; work with accountant on tax filing. • Collect, summarize and report monthly on FSELC metrics (numbers served, audience demographics, program evaluation data, etc.) • Supervise volunteers. • Maintain physical and electronic records, documents, and databases. • Respond to telephone calls, emails, requests for information. • Maintain and update website • Support distribution of quarterly newsletter • Communicate FSELC business with Board and FSELC programs to community

Fundraising (1/4 time) Provide administrative support and coordination for fundraising efforts and grant funding: • Administer flow of grant funding and oversee associated grant-funding program activities. • Manage and support fundraising efforts - Coordinate the annual fall fundraising appeal - Coordinate the sponsorship drive for the lecture series - Support the Board in our annual signature fundraising event - Oversee calendar and process of grant applications • Maintain master funding files, see that deadlines are met, and work with Board to monitor fundraising process and protocol. • Cultivate partnerships with agencies, businesses and nonprofits. • Maintain donor relationships as needed (follow up materials, thank you letters)

Educational Programming Support (1/4 time) Provide administrative support and coordination to the Education Committee (which designs and delivers programming) • Send out press releases and event communications to list serve and print media. • Develop flyers, programs, and other educational promotional materials. • Coordinate FSELC programs ~ 4-5 lectures, workshops, and meetings per month.

Salary / Pay Rate:$20,000
Required Skills and Abilities:Qualifications: The successful candidate will be able to: • Exercise strong organizational skills. • Effectively manage his/her workload. • Plan, implement, and coordinate a variety of projects simultaneously. • Work both independently and collaboratively; accept guidance from the Board. • Problem solve • Communicate effectively both orally and in writing with a wide range of people and organizations. • Represent the group publicly. • Effectively use word-processing, spreadsheet, database, and web maintenance software • Design and develop fundraising activities. • Take on new assignments and roles as the organization grows and changes
Qualifications:We prefer candidates who have knowledge/experience or a strong interest in: • Non-profit management or administration • Non-profit fundraising strategies • Management of grant proposals and grant funds • Environmental education Applicants should have a valid driver’s license. Applicants should be prepared to attend/participate in evening meetings and work occasionally on weekends.
Education Required:College degree
Other:Equal Opportunity Employer