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Whoa!!! May/June ABCD Classes In St. Johns

May/June ABCD Class Series

MONDAY EVENINGS MAY 17, 24, JUNE 7, & 21 - 7:00PM to 9:00PM

Asset Based Community Development is a powerful and inclusive approach to community development. Focus your effort on discovering and mobilizing the resources that are already present in your community. When people become more productive together - they exercise their power to address problems and realize dreams!

Sponsored by School of Neighborhood Transformation and East Portland Neighbors, Inc.

Cost: $45

TRAINING LOCATION - St. Johns Community Center, 8427 North Central Street, Portland OR 97203

INFO: Clark Blakeman, [email protected]

REGISTRATION: http://www.secondstories.org/

This "ABCD In Action" inspired training is based on the work of Mike Green and Henry Moore (When People Care Enough To Act, 2006).

Here's a quick look at the principles and strategies of ABCD you will explore while participating in this training:

1. Finding Assets/Gifts – (learning to look at people and neighborhoods as half-full, discerning the personal gifts and collective assets within)

2. Uncovering What People Care about Enough to Act – (looks at how to engage in listening and learning conversations which reveal dreams and concerns that motivate people toward action)

3. Mobilizing Groups to Act – (what's next after discovering common interests? How do we create opportunities to work together?)

4. Discovering Distinct Roles for People and Programs – (individuals, grassroots associations, agencies, and institutions each have strengths and weaknesses, here we discover what they are and how to strive for balancing the best elements)

5. Leading by Stepping Back – (helps organizations, churches, agencies to lead from a posture of humility, empowering others toward their own solutions, ideas and projects)

6. Inclusion – (emphasizes the common, inclusive nature of community partnerships; in ABCD work all stakeholders are welcome. How do we make space for all?)

By participating in the training you will join a thoughtful, engaged circle of ABCD partners. Folks from the following organization have already participated growing a realistic vision for their role in transforming their community:

- Americans Building Community,

- Centennial Community Association,

- Children's Justice Alliance,

- Compassion Connect,

- Cully Collective Market,

- East Portland Action Plan,

- East Portland Community Coalition,

- East Portland Neighbors, Inc.,

- East Portland Neighborhood Office,

- Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon,

- Free Arts NW,

- Glenfair Neighborhood Association,

- Greater Gresham Area Prevention Partnership,

- Growing Gardens,

- Hazelwood Neighborhood Association,

- Human Solutions CDC,

- Imago Dei Community,

- Imagine NW!,

- Lents-Gilbert Church of God,

- Lents Neighborhood Association,

- Multnomah County Health Services,

- Multnomah County Office of Commissioner Diane McKeel,

- Multnomah University,

- Native American Youth Association,

- NW Behavioral Health Services,

- Open Arms Seventh Day Adventist Church,

- Our United Villages,

- Parklane Church,

- Portland Office of Neighborhood Involvement,

- Powellhurst Gilbert Neighborhood Association,

- PSU Center for Academic Excellence,


- Second Stories,

- Southeast Uplift,

- St. Johns Neighborhood Association,

- St. Timothy Lutheran Church,

- The Table,

- Valley View Church,

and more! (Let us know if we missed your organization.)