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AmeriCorps Domestic Violence Teen Advocate Position

Volunteers of America Home Free, a domestic violence intervention program serving the Portland area, is seeking applicants for a Domestic Violence Teen Advocate for the 2010-11 program year.

Home Free’s AmeriCorps Teen Advocate will recruit, train and support teen volunteers for a newly-developed transition mentoring program; develop new information regarding teens and domestic violence to enhance all aspects of our current training materials; create and present a recognition event for all program volunteers. Additionally, the member will give presentations to middle and high school youth regarding healthy relationships; facilitate support groups for teen survivors of domestic and dating violence, and provide information and encouragement to individual teens grappling with an abusive partner or parent. The member will enhance community awareness through the oversight of a teen website and through participation in community resource fairs and other similar events. The focus of the member’s services will be on young women exposed to batterers, however online resources and individual support are made available to both male and female survivors.

Applications and instructions are available online at the AmeriCorps HOPE Program website: http://www.oregon.gov/DHS/children/teens/americorps/index.shtml


Contact Linda Arata, Children’s Services Coordinator Volunteers of America – Home Free 3910 SE Stark St, Portland, OR 97214 [email protected].