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Job Opening: Northwest VEG Volunteer Coordinator

Northwest VEG, a non-profit 501(c)3 organization, is seeking an enthusiastic, creative and outgoing independent contractor or employee to serve as our Volunteer Coordinator and VegFest Co-coordinator. The job will require between 15 and 25 hours per week. Northwest VEG does not have an office, so the applicant must be able to work from his/her own office/home. Applications are due by Wednesday, July 7, 2010.  The complete job description and information for applying is available for download at www.nwveg.org/files/NWVEGVolunteerCoordinatorJobDescription.pdf.


The Volunteer Coordinator oversees the volunteer program and recruits, motivates, trains and supervises volunteers for all Northwest VEG events, programs and projects. VegFest Co-coordination involves assisting in all aspects of coordinating NW VEG's annual 2-day VegFest. The ideal applicant for this position will be someone who is passionate about our mission: to educate and empower people to make vegetarian choices for a healthy, sustainable, and compassionate world. The applicant must also have good interpersonal skills, be well organized, self-motivated and an effective communicator.