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Policy Analyst

Gateway to College National Network (GtCNN) is a fast-growing education nonprofit organization with partner programs in 18 states. The National Network supports colleges implementing Gateway to College, which is a college-based, high school completion program for disengaged youth, and a new program called Project DEgree, which supports college students taking developmental education courses. Gateway to College operates at 26 colleges and Project DEgree will operate at 9 colleges by January, 2011.


GtCNN is replicating these programs with support from national foundations including the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Foundation to Promote Open Society, Carnegie Corporation of New York, The Kresge Foundation, and the Wal-Mart Foundation. This is a new position to support the organization’s rapid growth. More information about GtCNN is available at: www.gatewaytocollege.org


Policy Analyst Duties: • Monitors and tracks existing and emerging education policy in multiple states and at the federal level with specific attention to policies addressing dual-credit, high school drop-out retrieval and prevention, and access and support for post-secondary enrollment • Conducts research and analysis of current policy conditions affecting the mission and work of the organization and assesses compatibility between program models and specific policy environments • Compiles and analyzes technical information and federal and state rules and statutes that govern education policies to be used by policy makers and other key stakeholders • Develops recommendations on policy advocacy strategies in support of the organization’s plan for expanded national growth, broad expansion in specific states, and sustainable funding models for serving out-of-school youth and young people underprepared for post-secondary success • Synthesizes available research and evaluation of existing educational programs and services • Disseminates information, analysis, and recommendations via policy briefs to staff and partners • Identifies promising practices for incorporation into program implementation at partner colleges • Collaborates with National Network Research & Evaluation Team and Communications Director to develop messages about program effectiveness for external stakeholders • Researches funding opportunities and supports GtCNN leadership considering fundraising efforts • Additional duties, such as making presentations or developing relationships, may be assigned, depending on the changing needs of the organization


Accountabilities: • Ensure organizational awareness of relevant policy conditions, impacts, and opportunities • Clear and efficient written and oral communication with senior-level education professionals • Collaboration with all members of the National Network team


Supervision & Reporting: • No supervision responsibility • Reports to the Associate Vice President of Policy and Partnerships


Requirements: • Bachelor’s degree in Education, Public Policy, Public Administration, or related field; Master’s preferred • Three years experience in policy research or public education administration • Demonstrated experience managing complex, long-term, time-sensitive projects • Excellent analytic and research skills • Ability to work collaboratively in a fast-paced and diverse team environment • Ability and willingness for occasional travel


The starting salary range is $42,000 – $50,000, depending on experience, plus a comprehensive benefits and vacation package. This position will be located at the GtCNN office in Portland, OR. This is a grant-funded position, funded through at least 2012.


To apply, please send a cover letter, resume, and completed supplemental questions to [email protected] by Monday, July 19, 2010.


REQUIRED Supplemental Questions


1. Gateway to College is a program that brings young people who did not complete high school back to education through community and technical colleges. Because of the blended high school and college program structure, institutional flexibility is required on the part of both the school district and the college. Please describe your experience and understanding of working within the political and regulatory contexts of public agencies, particularly education agencies.


2. Gateway to College National Network currently has partnerships with organizations that have been innovative in order to implement unique programs. However, to expand these opportunities to more young people, regulatory changes may be required so that the model may be broadly adopted in particular states or communities. What is your familiarity and experience with existing state and federal policies concerning drop-out and graduation rates, education funding, and supplemental services to high-need populations and the processes that influence those policies?


3. Please provide an example of a policy brief that you have written in a professional or academic context. Please identify the context of the brief and indicate how it was used. If you do not have an example of a policy brief, please provide a writing sample (approx. two pages) which addresses a specific public policy. An example that addresses education policy is preferred.


Gateway to College National Network is an equal opportunity employer.