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NWEBG * * Build Your Skills * *

Northwest EcoBuilding Guild * Western Columbia Chapter


* * Build Your Skills * * Thinking of your future? Don't miss this unique opportunity: An informational forum with Portland's leading builder training and education resources


WHEN: Wednesday, June 30th * Meet & Greet 6 PM * Event from 6:30 - 8:30 PM


WHERE: Zion Baptist Church * Community Room * NE 9th & Fremont


COST: Non-members $5 donation suggested * NWEBG Members FREE * Refreshments *




* Building Performance Institute Technical training in building science, 'house as a system' building diagnostics and weatherization best practices


* 'Sustainable Homes Professional' Certification, Earth Advantage Institute Interactive 6-month program to develop technical skills and knowledge required to design and build high performance homes


* 'Sustainable Building Advisor' Certification, Mt. Hood Community College A 9-month program to develop skills to act as a sustainable building advisor in a variety of venues (owner, design team member, consultant, project manager, facilities staff, etc.)


*Terratecture Institute Teaches natural building techniques and principles through in-depth workshops and trainings


* 'Trades and Apprenticeship Career (TAC)' Oregon Tradeswomen A 7 week, women-only, PRE-Apprenticeship Class designed to help you prepare for a high skill, high wage career in construction with a focus on apprenticeship


* Northwest Ecobuilding Guild IAQ and You An 8-month in-depth class series on practical and effective strategies for designing and building safer and healthier homes __________________________________________


Please share this message with anyone you think would be interested. The Northwest Ecobuilding Guild welcomes new members. The Guild is your resource for networking, sharing and learning with your fellow sustainable builders.


Please visit: http://ecobuilding.org/home/