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7/20 Mercy Corps NW Seminar: Successful Selling

Tuesday, July 20, 6-7:30pm


You can’t escape it, you must sell! Learn practical sales strategies for business. Watch practical real-life sales demonstrations to really learn how to sell. You will learn the following and more:


* Identify customer needs. * See benefits * Varied sales approaches that work. * Creating a Sales Manual. * Exhibits and documentation. * Handling sales objections. * Secrets to closing the sale.


Last time we did this class, participants commented that:


"So much was helpful - in helping me focus on tools and seeing what I already do well"


"I'm not good at marketing or sales so I liked the fact that it covered the basics and offered more"




Mercy Corps Northwest works to assist motivated low-income individuals improve their lives through starting or expanding a small business. We provide funding, matched savings and small business classes that help clients increase their economic self-sufficiency through self-employment.


$5 for MCNW clients and $10 for the public. At the Mercy Corps NW office at 43 SW Naito Pkwy, downtown by the Burnside Bridge.


You can sign up online. Contact Anu ([email protected] or 503-896-5080) with questions. Check our website (www.mercycorpsnw.org) the day of the event for any cancellation notices and mercycorpsnw.wordpress.com for more info about seminars.