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ABCD this Saturday hosted by ROSE Community Development

August 7 ABCD Training Workshop


Saturday August 7 - 8:30AM to 4:30PM


Leander Court Apartments (4620 SE 122nd Ave. Portland, OR 97266)


$45 tuition fee - 10 partial scholarships are available. Please call or email.


Register at http://www.secondstories.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=92&Itemid=193




You are invited to participate in a training based on the work of Mike Green and Henry Moore. My partners and I (see attachment) will draw from your experience and ours to discover how six fundamental strategies that Henry and Mike teach can happen in your community.


Six strategies that spring from 12 ABCD guiding principles will be covered:


1. Finding Assets/Gifts – (learning to look at people and neighborhoods as half-full, discerning the personal gifts and collective assets within)


2. Uncovering What People Care about Enough to Act – (looks at how to engage in listening and learning conversations which reveal dreams and concerns that motivate people toward action)


3. Mobilizing Groups to Act – (what's next after discovering common interests? How do we create opportunities to work together?)


4. Discovering Distinct Roles for People and Programs – (individuals, grassroots associations, agencies, and institutions each have strengths and weaknesses, here we discover what they are and how to strive for balancing the best elements)


5. Leading by Stepping Back – (helps organizations, churches, agencies to lead from a posture of humility, empowering others toward their own solutions, ideas and projects)


6. Inclusion – (emphasizes the common, inclusive nature of community partnerships; in ABCD work all stakeholders are welcome. How do we make space for all?


Please share the attached flyer.


EARLY START: Yes, life is busy, but we are asking those that sign up to make sure they are available for the full training. ABCD is a wonderful approach to community work and we want you to get the full picture so your work can be more successful. Please honor the time of other participants by planning to arrive on time and be with us the full time. Thank you!


By participating in the training you will join a thoughtful, engaged circle of ABCD partners. Folks from the following organizations have already participated growing a realistic vision for their role in transforming their community:


- Americans Building Community,


- Centennial Community Association,


- Children's Justice Alliance,


- Compassion Connect,


- Cully Collective Market,


- East Portland Action Plan,


- East Portland Community Coalition,


- East Portland Neighbors, Inc.,


- East Portland Neighborhood Office,


- Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon,


- Free Arts NW,


- Glenfair Neighborhood Association,


- Greater Gresham Area Prevention Partnership,


- Growing Gardens,


- Hazelwood Neighborhood Association,


- Human Solutions CDC,


- Imago Dei Community,


- Imagine NW!,


- Lents-Gilbert Church of God,


- Lents Neighborhood Association,


- Multnomah County Health Services,


- Multnomah County Office of Commissioners McKeel and Wheeler,


- Multnomah University,


- Native American Youth Association,


- NW Behavioral Health Services,


- Open Arms Seventh Day Adventist Church,


- Our United Villages,


- Parklane Church,


- Portland Office of Neighborhood Involvement,


- Powellhurst Gilbert Neighborhood Association,


- PSU Center for Academic Excellence,




- Second Stories,


- Southeast Uplift,


- St. Johns Neighborhood Association,


- St. Timothy Lutheran Church,


- The Table,


- Valley View Church,


and more! (Let me know if I missed your organization.)


Go to http://www.secondstories.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=92&Itemid=193 for more information and to register. I'd be glad to answer any questions you may have.




Mike Vander Veen


ABCD Advocate


AmeriCorps Member


East Portland Neighborhood Office




ABCD = asset-based community development




This approach to community work calls for the engagement of the gifts and resources of the whole community and recognizes that when people are intentional about relationship and use their abilities and talents together, life gets better.

