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Free: InFARMation (and Beer!) at Holocene Tues 8.10: Eaters' Rights!

New Home for InFARMation (and Beer!) = Holocene! Back to 2nd Tuesday of the Month August 10th: Eaters' Rights


After the unexpected news that Roots Brewery closed the day before July’s scheduled InFARM, we seem to have landed in a great new home. Come check it out – InFARMation (and Beer!) is now at *Holocene* (1001 SE Morrison – map it), located at the corner of SE 10th and Morrison. It’s an unassuming building from the outside, and isn’t marked well so we’ll try to get some kind of sidewalk sign out there for those who have never seen a show there.


They have a great PA system that we get to use, and a nice bar menu with a chef who is interested in working directly with the farmers to highlight their food! We are looking for a brewery who distributes their beer locally who might want to sponsor InFARMation (and Beer!) to help provide special prices on beer, since I know we are going to miss the great happy hour prices that Roots gave us on our pints. Not sure if that will happen in time for August’s event, but don’t let that stop you from coming and checking out the new digs.


We are revisiting the planned conversation topic from July: *Eaters’ Rights*! Friends of Family Farmers spent fall-spring of 2009-10 helping farmers write the Agricultural Reclamation Act, and we want to give Eaters a taste of that kind of empowerment! Have you thought about what your rights are as eaters, and whether the standards, values, and needs that you have as an eater are reflected by our state laws? Have you read Sandor Katz’ book *The Revolution Will Not Be Microwaved*, or the National Catholic Rural Life Conference’s Eaters’ Bill of Rights? Do you drive an hour each way to get to a farm that can sell you raw milk? Are you a home brewer of beer, or a buyer of state inspected meat? What about labeling foods – country of origins, rBGH or genetically modified? Have you nodded along to a Joel Salatin rant about "everything I want to do is illegal"?


Join us on Tuesday as we talk about these things, and all the other ways that you’d like to assert your eaters’ rights. We’d like this to be very audience discussion driven, but we have several folks from our community who have stepped up to get the conversation going. On this panel is *Koorosh Zaerpoor*, who owns and runs Kookoolan Farmswith his wife, Chrissie, where they raise and sell humanely raised meat and raw milk. Also, *Chris Musser,* a mother, blogger, and DIY-in-the-kitchen teacher from Lost Arts Kitchen, and *Jeanne Quan*, board member of Slow Food Portland&the St. Paul Farmers Market,and a passionate grows-her-own gardener.


Hope you can come on Tuesday Aug 10th, 5:30-8:30, with the conversation & speakers running from 6:30-8pm. More information and logistics at our website. As always, InFARMations are free and open to the public, please bring your friends!


Hope to see you there,


Michele Knaus Friends of Family Farmers *(503) 841-0305* http://www.friendsoffamilyfarmers.org