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Watershed Restoration Film Festival & Awards Ceremony

We invite you to meet the winners of the "Stories From Our Watersheds" film contest at a free event at the Ecotrust Building this Tuesday August 17th. Come be inspired by their short films (10 minutes or less) about watershed restoration in the West. We will be joined by filmmakers, restoration supporters and practitioners, and community members. Come celebrate the social, environmental and economic achievements of restoration activities!


Event details: Tuesday, August 17, 2010 Jean Vollum Natural Capital Center / Ecotrust 721 NW Ninth Ave, Portland, OR [map] Second floor 6:30 – 7:30: Screening of short films and award ceremony


Hosts: The Whole Watershed Restoration Initiative — a collaborative effort to restore the major ecological functions of high priority river basins in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. The Initiative is a partnership between Ecotrust, the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration, the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board, the PNW Region of the Forest Service, and the Bureau of Land Management.


Contest sponsors: Special thanks to: The Mountaineers Foundation, Wells Fargo, Salmon-Safe certified Winter’s Hill Vineyard, Anne Amie Vineyards and Deschutes Brewery, and Pastaworks


Questions? Seth Walker, Ecotrust: [email protected] or 503-467-0752