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At Risk of Losing Your Tax Exempt Designation?

Below is a link to an "At Risk List". Is your organization concerned that they will lose their tax exempt status just because their names are on the list of organizations at risk of automatic revocation of tax-exempt status? Do you believe your organization is not required to file because of an affilation with another exempt organization? Even though you may not be required to file, you should check the list and information below. Some exempt organizations are asking how can they have their names removed from the list, and will they lose their status simply because their name is on the list? Do they need to have their name removed? Is there a number they can call?


The Exempt Organization contact and this page is helpful to the callers: http://www.irs.gov/charities/article/0,,id=225888,00.html

If you believe you do not have a filing requirement:


* Call 1-877-829-5500 (toll-free) to verify that you do not have a filing requirement.


The IRS.gov link below contains a listing of organizations at risk of automatic revocation of tax-exempt status for failing to file annual 990-N returns. You can go to the Excel spreadsheet of states and sort by city to obtain a list of potentially impacted organizations.




KayDel Marshall Senior Stakeholder Liaison Small Business & Self-Employed C/L/D 1220 S.W. 3rd Avenue, Mail Stop O-185 Portland, Oregon 97204 503-326-5240 Phone 503-326-5957 Fax E-Mail: [email protected] ID #1000843166