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The Body Trust Network - Free Workshop, September 11, 2010

The Body Trust Network is a monthly workshop dedicated to supporting Health at Every Size (HAES), a truly sustainable model of health and wellness. Each workshop incorporates movement, art and dialogue to explore variety of topics from a HAES perspective.


Join other women who want to be part of a new conversation about health, one that nourishes and celebrates who we are and who we can become…regardless of body size, shape or age.


Our September topic: Deconstructing the Fat Feeling


Is “I feel fat” a thought or a feeling? What do we mean when we say I feel fat? When does this feeling show up? How can we use this statement to our advantage?


10 am - 1pm


Be Nourished 3719 N. Williams Portland, OR 97227


Register: www.benourished.org/bodytrust or 503.288.4104