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CNRG Training on Volunteer Management Octoer 7th - Free!

Community Nonprofit Resource Group (CNRG)Tuesday, October 7 CNRG invites you to participate in a free CNRG brown bag lunch training! We are excited to connect you with valuable resources that will allow you to learn, grow, and expand your knowledge. Here are the details of the upcoming event: Topic: Foundations of Effective Volunteer ManagementWhen: Tuesday, October 7, 12 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.Where: Cubespace (www.cubespacepdx.com) 622 SE Grand, Portland ORFor whom: The first sixty-five CNRG members who appear at CubeSpace on October 7 after 11:30 am. No RSVP required! If you have questions about the training, please email CNRG at [email protected].

Volunteer management is expected as part of our work in the nonprofit sector, but often there is little support or training provided. It sometimes seems no one talks much about a volunteer program until you're asked to make volunteers suddenly appear to pull off that big event! In this session, participants will learn where to start when it comes to developing volunteer resources. We will cover designing volunteer jobs, recruiting the right volunteers, and the basics of how to manage them once you've got them. There will also be plenty of time for your burning questions about volunteer management.


Jennifer Payne recently completed her MPA at Portland State University with a specialization in Nonprofit Management. She has been a volunteer manager at Oregon Health and Science University and Doernbecher Children's Hospital for over six years. Jennifer began working as a volunteer manager while herself a volunteer in the Peace Corps. No matter the setting, she believes strongly that effective volunteer management is important because it allows community members to make a positive difference in a way that is meaningful to both them and those that they help.


Thanks and see you at CNRG-Portland.org!